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IMO2020 regulation has transitioned the shipping industry towards lower sulfur fuel oils and has encouraged the exploration of options to meet stricter gas emission reduction targets. With new fuels and engine technologies coming into play, engine lubrication must adapt to help ship operators achieve safer operations, and higher levels of performance in a more complex environment.

With Talusia Universal, Lubmarine has successfully designed a single cylinder oil that covers the full range of IMO2020 compliant fuels (from 0.0% to 1.5% sulfur content, including LNG), aligning perfectly with ship operator fuel strategies.

Endorsed with a series of recent OEM No-Objection Letters (NOL), Talusia Universal provides complete reassurance thanks to its unique patented formulation and detergency properties that deliver outstanding engine cleanliness for the vast majority of operators. It neutralizes the effects of cylinder corrosion and abrasion, which reduces the risk of engine failure, vessel downtime and costly repairs.

Talusia Universal simplifies ship operations across many sectors of the industry operated with 2 stroke engines as it avoids complex BN management and BN40/100 CLO switching – saving time and money. With its proven chemistry and reliable track record at sea with millions of operating hours, Talusia Universal enables vessel operators to optimize their lubrication and feed rate with regular inspection, monitoring, and expert drain oil services.


Cylinder oil performance and cleaning ability are key factors to maintain good cylinder condition

MAN-ES Service Letter, SL 2019-671 April 2019

125,000,000 hours

Proven across many millions of operating hours, in all operating conditions and across all vessel types operating with low sulfur fuels, Talusia Universal’s pioneering and patented chemistry demonstrates value as a single cylinder oil choice to help ship owners, operators and their engineers to extend engine life, improve performance and optimize operating efficiencies.

Approved by OEMS

Talusia Universal (BN57) has received No Objection Letters (NOLs) from MAN ES and WinGD plus J-Eng Corp. for all low suflur fuels in the range of 0.00%S to 1.50%S. Following rigorous sea trials and extensive tests, Talusia Universal represents the best single cylinder oil option for 2-stroke engines running on LSFO, VLSFO, ULSFO(ECA) and LNG.

A unique chemistry

Tests show that Talusia Universal unique formulation performs better than conventional BN40 in cleaning ability (detergency) and provides higher residual BN. It enables operators to optimize the feed rate and maintain the iron content below the OEM required level during long-term operations. It is proven to handle the engine cleanliness demands for the vast majority of ship operating with low sulfur fuels.

125,000,000 hours

Proven across many millions of operating hours, in all operating conditions and across all vessel types operating with low sulfur fuels, Talusia Universal’s pioneering and patented chemistry demonstrates value as a single cylinder oil choice to help ship owners, operators and their engineers to extend engine life, improve performance and optimize operating efficiencies.

A unique chemistry

Tests show that Talusia Universal unique formulation performs better than conventional BN40 in cleaning ability (detergency) and provides higher residual BN. It enables operators to optimize the feed rate and maintain the iron content below the OEM required level during long-term operations. It is proven to handle the engine cleanliness demands for the vast majority of ship operating with low sulfur fuels.

Approved by OEMS

Talusia Universal (BN57) has received No Objection Letters (NOLs) from MAN ES and WinGD plus J-Eng Corp. for all low suflur fuels in the range of 0.00%S to 1.50%S. Following rigorous sea trials and extensive tests, Talusia Universal represents the best single cylinder oil option for 2-stroke engines running on LSFO, VLSFO, ULSFO(ECA) and LNG.

Following sea trials, Talusia Universal performed significantly better than the reference CLO for deposit control and general piston cleanliness, while maintaining excellent wear rates.

Justin Van Tries, Lubmarine Engineer in charge of OEM certification

The Single Oil Solution with Advanced Chemistry

Outstanding engine cleanliness

Talusia Universal is an approved cylinder oil with a pioneering chemistry delivering both detergency (additional surfactant molecules) to maintain engine cleanliness and prevent deposit build up, and higher and faster acid neutralization (BN57) to protect your marine engine against corrosion.

Qualified for all IMO2020 compliant fuels

Talusia Universal's single cylinder oil solution is proven, tested and approved for every type of 2-stroke engine operating with LS fuels with a sulfur content range between 0.0% to 1.5%S - incl. LSFO, VLSFO, ULSFO(ECA) and LNG. It can be used continuously with 0.5%S IMO2020 compilant fuels without risk of engine deposit growth, providing real confidence for operators using variable fuel batches.

Improving operational safety margin

Talusia Universal can be used continuously with IMO2020 compliant fuels, and has proven to provide additionam safety margins compared to BN40 CLO, acheiving the lowest recommended feed-rate (LOFR) when based on visual inspection and drain oil analysis. ITs unique chemistru combined with a BN57 provides fast and efficient acid neutralization vital for engine performance.

The Single Cylinder Oil Solution for LNG Propulsion

Ship operators can use with confidence Talusia Universal as their single cylinder oil solution for any IMO2020 compliant fuel, including those operators making the switch to LNG to help reduce SOx, NOx and fine particle emissions.

As the second largest player in the LNG market, TotalEnergies is pioneering the development of LNG infrastructure globally, including the operation of the world’s largest bunkering barge – Gas Agility.

If you are considering LNG and have questions regarding engine lubrication, speak to our experts.

LNG as a marine fuel (Marine Fuels Website)

Talusia Universal News Updates

Getting the Best from Talusia Universal with Engine Monitoring


By combining the use of Talusia Universal with engine condition monitoring, ship operators will get the best from its unique properties and increase significantly ship's performance.

Backed by a dedicated team of Marine Lubricants Engineers and a global network of laboratories, our Drain Oil Analysis programmes are designed to deliver advanced insights on engine lubrication performances and customized expertise approach to optimize operational efficiency.

Learn more on our lubrication services.

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Talusia Universal is not listed in the recent Service Letter - SL2020-694 - from MAN-ES. Can I continue to use Talusia Universal?

You can continue to use Talusia Universal as normal. In fact, on 19th May, 2020 in response to issuing its new Service Letter SL2020-694, MAN Energy Solutions issued Lubmarine with an updated Non Objection Letter (NOL) for Talusia Universal.

As a result, Talusia Universal remains fully certified for use on MAN B&W two-stroke engines operating on <0.50% S VLSFO and fuel with a sulfur content ranging from 0.5 to 1.5% sulfur.

According to MAN-ES, the Service Letter SL2019-671 - Cylinder lubrication update for 0 to 0.50% sulfur fuels - still applies until a new Service Letter is issued.  SL2019-671 is very flexible. The focus is on monitoring the cylinder condition and ensures that the piston ring pack is clean and moving freely. In case of excessive deposit build-up, use oil with higher cleaning ability, like Talusia Universal.

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In the recent Service Letter - SL2020 694 - MAN-ES does not mention any BN40 products in the Category II table. Which product do you recommend for Mark 9 engines and higher?

Currently neither Talusia Universal nor any Cat. II 40 BN cylinder oils are listed (May 2020).

Our recommendation for Mark 9 engines and higher is to use Talusia Universal and Cat. II 100 BN cylinder oil with alternation (if necessary) or with the cylinder oil available as according to the recommendations in MAN-ES Service Letter - SL2019-671.

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Does the new MAN-ES Cylinder Oil Strategy have an impact on any WinGD engines I may be running?

No – none whatsoever. Talusia Universal has received a separate Non Objection Letter (NOL) from WinGD earlier in 2020.

The NOL from WinGD is for all fuels (liquid and gas burning) with a sulfur content of 0.00%S to 1.50%S.

The NOL was awarded with no restrictions following the successful completion of two rigorous tests carried out on two differing vessels fitted with WinGD 6X72 engines.

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What are the key features and benefits of Talusia Universal?

With over 125,000,000 running hours of successful operation from using Talusia Universal, the combination of unique product chemistry using additional surfactant molecules with advanced technical guidance, is helping many ship operators maintain engine cleanliness without engine deposit build up – preventing engine damage, costly repairs, and severe downtime with lost earnings.

Talusia Universal is formulated to help the neutralization process and the control of engine deposit growth. It is proven to handle the engine cleanliness demands of all technologies operating with low sulphur fuels in all conditions, and has an accumulated experience of more than 12 years!

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Which alternative products do you recommend to replace Talusia LS25?

The best solution is Talusia Universal because it performs better in cleanliness (detergency) than the conventional BN40s on the market and mitigates the risk of deposit build up. It also provides higher residual BN, enabling you to optimize the feed rate and maintain the iron content below the limits. That means Talusia Universal can be used in confidence continuously with 0.1%S 2020 compliant fuels without risk of deposit growth, providing real confidence for anyone using variable fuel batches.

In most cases, using Talusia Universal instead of a conventional BN40 cylinder oil can be enough to avoid the need to carry additional high BN on-board, saving storage space and extra purchasing costs. Still, if you are required to use alternate low and high BN rated lubricants – and only if the engine status allows – you can use either Talusia Universal or Talusia LS40 as low BN alternatively with Talusia Universal 100 as high BN.

Please contact us for more information and technical assistance.

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Talusia Universal is already available across our extensive global network of 1,000 ports providing you with a unique level of service worldwide - including shipyard supply.

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Talusia Universal - Questions to our Experts